The last few months I have been furiously painting 28mm ACW figures for a game I have been planning to run at Nashcon. I have plenty of 15 mm figures for Johnny Reb, but I wanted to run a different kind of Johnny Reb game. I was looking to run a more tactical game, and I thought it would look a lot better in 28mm than in 15mm. Johnny Reb handles large battles well in 15mm and the game plays very well in this grand tactical mode. However, in 15mm this scenario requires a 4×6 foot table with only two brigades of troops each,…not very visually appealing in 15mm. In 28mm however, we played the game on a 6×9 table with large 28mm units. It definitely had more eye appeal! I ran the game using GDW’s “Johnny Reb 2”, which is my preferred version of JR due to the 1:20 troop ratio and tactical feel.
The scenario I ran was “Williamsburg, VA, May 5th, 1862” from the “To the Sound of the Guns” scenario book by John Hill and Dean West. The scenario is a portion of the battle that represents Confederate Gen. D.H. Hill’s attack on Brig. Gen. Hancock’s troops. Historically, Hancock pulled back his lead regiments and formed on a wooded hill. He was able to defeat the piecemeal Rebel attack and then led his men in a sharp counter attack.The scenario provides a hypothetical option for Hancock to receive an additional brigade that historically could have intervened, but was recalled. We allowed these troops to come into play to see what might have happened….

An overview of the terrain for the Johnny Reb game at Nashcon 2013. This is a view of the Confederate defenses from the Union line.
The CSA forces were played by Titch W. (Gen Early), Jack S. (Gen. Rains), and Russ G. (the militia and 32# howitzer in the redoubt). Titch had some familiarity with the rules, but Jack and Russ were first time “Johnny Reb” players. It’s always great introducing the rules to new players.
The USA forces were played by Chris W. (Gen. Davidson) and Bob M. (Gen. Hancock). Chris and Bon had played the game once or twice before. Overall it was great to have mostly inexperienced JR players at the table. In the Nashcon game description I listed that no prior experience with JR was needed to play in my game, and I think it made the game more approachable for the players. At the start of a game I show new players what the order chits mean, the basic turn sequence and how far they move, but I keep them away from all the intimidating charts! I also handle all the firing and charges, etc. for new players and keep them focused on ordering and moving their men.

A view of the CSA line. The yellow marker indicates a shaken unit. A regiment of Bob M.’s troops had crossed over the fence and are driving the rebs back!

CSA reinforcements are arriving just in time! Gen. Rain’s brigade (played by Titch W.) have been marching to the sound of the guns and showed up on the second turn.

The critical point of the battle where the Federal troops started to apply pressure to the redoubt. Chris W.’s Union troops got tangled up in the abatis and were hammered by the 32# howitzer in the redoubt.

The end of the battle – the Federals have flanked the redoubt and routed the valiant CSA defenders. The Union forces were able to meet their victory conditions and inflict 60% loss on the Rebs and take the redoubt.

A view of a Wargames Foundry (Perry sculpt) Union stretcher team and a Hovel’s 25mm ACW house. I spent a lot of time in the weeks leading up to the battle making lots of little rail fences.
We had a great time playing and it was a seesaw battle all evening until the Federals were eventually able to outflank and capture the redoubt. It was a hard fought battle and a glorious Union victory! Thanks to Chris for taking all of the pictures. I guess it’s time I start thinking about what scenario I’ll run at next year’s Nashcon! Any suggestions?
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Good Gaming – Cory
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4 responses to “28mm Johnny Reb Game at Nashcon 2013”
Hi Cory,
Nice new website. Is this the new extant of your Cigar Box Hero blog?
Original JR was always my favorite, though those charts were cumbersome. Small arms mechanics were much improved in JRII.
Maybe I can host Brice’s CR down there sometime using my version of tactical JR, Billy Yank. Or you and pards would be welcome at my place. Its a 2 hour drive.
Williamsburg Scenario a top notch effort. Good scenario designers do not grow on trees.
Hi Dean!
Thanks for commenting, the Williamsburg scenario was fantastic. Cory did a great job with running the game. We hope to have more great posts up soon!
Hi Chris,
Nice pics. Looking forward to following CBB.
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