Cigar Box Battle’s New Release – Stalingrad!
The “Stalingrad” mat (#600) is professionally illustrated and has tons of fantastic detail to it that will make your figures, buildings and terrain really stand out! This is a great…
Salve! We are excited to announce our newest release – The Streets of Pompeii! This is a fantastic looking mat perfect for your games set in Rome, Troy, or Athens!…
The Hive (#460) mat is a great looking, highly detailed and versatile terrain mat! It is professionally illustrated and perfect for just about any science fiction urban / alien combat…
Jawohl! We have mats available for Sam’s new operational level WW2 game “Rommel”! Our mats are featured in the rule book and you’ll be able to see there just how…
I’ve had some Irregular Miniatures 2mm ACW figures just sitting around in cigar boxes for a long time now. They get taken out from time to time for a DBA…
The Hive (#460) mat is a great looking, highly detailed and versatile terrain mat! It is professionally illustrated and perfect for just about any science fiction urban / alien combat…
Here are a few units I’ve just painted to add to my Warmaster Empire Army. Soon this will be a 2000 point force. For those who play DBA or HotT,…