Wayne Bolland and his gaming group sent us these iPhone pics from a recent 28mm game of Sam Mustafa’s fine ACW rule set “Longstreet”. They had been playing “Across A Deadly Field” in 15mm and wanted to give the Cigar Box Battle “European Field” Mat a test run in 28mm. Wayne said that he was impressed with how the same mat made the transition smoothly to the larger scale. We have tried to make the mats fairly generic, so that they can be used for 10mm – 28mm, with a few mats alsoworking for 6mm.
So here are a few shots from their great looking game:

A Federal battery moves up to support the infantry. This picture also shows off the great looking creek on this mat.

Just throw down the mat, add a little terrain, and you are ready to play. Cigar Box Battle Mats let you travel light so you can focus on rolling dice, eating pretzels and drinking beer! I’m sure Wayne had a few pints!
Thanks to Wayne and his club for sharing the pics! It looks like you had a great game! Here is a link to a free download of “Longstreet Lite” if you are interested in checking out these rules – LINK
Good Gaming – Cory