Hey Gamers! We have a treat in store for you. Cigar Box Battle has compiled interviews with some of the world’s most influential game designers. We want to bring some well deserved attention to the people who create the games we love, and give you some insight into the gaming industry. We have an impressive starting lineup and hope to bring you more afterwards. The series is going to be called


Unsung Heroes of Gaming.

Our first season of interviews will start soon, so be sure to subscribe to receive our post updates and other free resources as they come along. Make sure that you don’t miss a single interview. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about the gaming industry and the folks who create the games we love, this is a great resource. The Games Designers we interview for you work in the categories of Tabletop Miniature Games, Role Playing Games, and Board Games. One is even a founder of a Miniature Manufacturing company. We talk with Designers about what got them started, and where they are now. We get great stories from their experiences, and find out some things that you may not know. We talk about their older games and learn about their new games.

Here are some photographs of a few of our Game Designers:



Buck Surdu




Andy Chambers


Cuzco Jail 1938 b

Howard Whitehouse



Andy Hall



Jay Little


and many more! Don’t forget to subscribe, and don’t miss a post!


psssst! also follow us on Twitter 🙂