This one was not in the program, but I really wish I had known the fellow’s name that did this one! This was a truly impressive game of DBA. I have never witnessed it done this way before, but this guy had built a dedicated case which contained a permanently molded 2ft x 2ft terrain board and had magnet strips to hold his 2MM SEVEN YEARS WAR ARMIES!!! Yes I just said two millimeter!


Yes, it was beautiful, as you will see below. His hills were all molded and modeled and flocked and painted, along with roads to and fro! And, the kids were all nestled in bed with visions of sugar plums danc… oh wait, where was I? He had removable cities and beautiful little elements that were all using standard DBA basing. I know, I know, it sounds like I’m making this up, but this guy really did put a lot of work into this case. Enough already, here are some shots that prove I wasn’t imagining things…

Holy moly! I wish I knew who this guy was, because I would like to congratulate him on a job well done. Itty Bitty tiny that are as close to actual scale as I have ever seen on a DBA board! I hope you’ve enjoyed these posts, let me know in the comments below :) I’ll have more up soon!