Do CBB Mats work well for RPG’s? Yes!
I have been asked by a few local gamers if our mats would work well with Role Playing Games and the answer is a resounding…. “yes”! True, many gamers use our…
I have been asked by a few local gamers if our mats would work well with Role Playing Games and the answer is a resounding…. “yes”! True, many gamers use our…
We now offer a line of our own 60 x 80 inch wargaming mats for sale! This is something that we had been using for our own games, but we…
Tiny Epic RPG is a cool, deck driven, RPG that we bumped into at Nashcon this year. Here is an interview with the developer, Todd Lyles. 1. Tell us…
An Interview with David McBride of Splintered Light Miniatures – 1. Please tell the readers of Cigarboxbattle about yourself. My name is David McBride and I am originally from…
The Ultimate Gamer’s Link Guide is Now Available! That’s right, it’s here! Click on the photo above, or link to it here WHAT IS IT? You might ask yourself “What…
In this second post of Unsung Heroes of Gaming, CigarBoxBattle.com gets the great privilege of interviewing Mr. Howard Whitehouse, one of our favorite Game Designers. For over 30 years he’s written fun,…
In this second post of Unsung Heroes of Gaming, CigarBoxBattle.com gets the great privilege of interviewing Mr. Jay Little, one of today’s most popular Game Designers. for over 20…
My Twitter account has been blowing up this week with announcements about “Teach you kids to game week”. Well, if you’ve followed my recent blog posts, then you’ll know that that is…
I first started playing D&D back in the early 80’s. Me and the rest of my 5th grade buddies played with the old, blue box Basic D&D set with the dragon, wizard and fighter…
Pass me more dice…I’m about to cast Fireball! Or not another nostalgic AD&D article! By Cory Ring I’m one of those 40something dads that’s geekily nostalgic about the good times…
The recent announcement by Amazon confirmed that John Hill has been working with Osprey on a new set of hardbound deluxe ACW miniature rules entitled, “Across A Deadly Field” (ADF) that will enable gamers to recreate large battles while still using individual…
I was at my FLGS (friendly local gaming store) recently and saw this range. I had been familiar with the Reaper Bones kickstarter, but really wasn’t familiar at all with…