Over the past few years miniature companies have been releasing more and more historical miniatures in plastic. These plastics have helped mitigate rising figure costs and allow for the customization of figures with different weapons, head-gear and accoutrement. As a result gamers will find themselves with left over bits that they did not use to assemble their figures.
So, what to do with all the left over bits? I hate waste when I can avoid it and it seems like a shame to throw away all those nicely sculpted bits, so, why not create morale markers with them? Here are examples of multi-period markers that I made from a friend’s left over bits from his War of Spanish Succession project. The hat will generally meet many periods for a few centuries. Sure, a button counter will call you on the fusil being wrong for this period or that….but it will mostly pass muster.
What to mount your morale markers on is up to you. These morale markers are mounted on a plastic 20mm stand from Wargames Factory. You could also mount your markers on washers which will allow you to transport your markers in a magnetized carrying cases. Once you have decided on what to mount your bits on, flock the bases like you do your figure bases. Paint up your bits and then put them in place with super glue. Given the size of the bits, I usually affix them to the bases using tweezers.
This next piece uses part of a spontoon to indicate ‘something is wrong with this unit.’ Cutting up bits is an excellent way to produce the detritus of war.
Some bits that you might find yourself with are an abundance of drums. Again, these make nice morale markers. What says disordered or panicked retreat like a dropped drum!!
These last markers are mounted on raised bases produced by a fantasy wargame manufacturer in England. With the raised bases, you can color code the morale markers such as red for broken or yellow for disordered. These markers are awaiting their bits.
So, add those left over sprue parts to your bits box…..they could come in handy! – Stephen Huckaby at ACWGamer.com
Cigarboxbattle.com would like to thank Stephen for sharing his gaming tips with our readers! If you game the ACW you owe it to yourself to check out Stephen’s excellent e-zine, ACWGamer.com
Good Gaming! Cory @CBB