Gringos40 are known as a UK based manufacturer of excellent 40mm “Alamo” and “Mexican-American War” figures, but they have an ever increasing line of 28mm figures in multiple periods. We sat down for a chat with owner, Ged Cronin, to see what he had to say –

A great looking 40mm Maximilian in Mexico game!
1. Tell Cigar Box Battle a little bit about your company – Gringo40s was born out of my passion for all things military with particular interest in metal miniatures………starting with “Miniature Figurines” 15mm, who at the time were market leaders and Donald Featherstone was a huge driving factor in the hobby with his “Wargame Newsletter”.
2.How did you involved in the hobby? Getting involved in our Hobby was really sparked by a childhood of Airfix 20mm plastic figures played
with in the garden, inspired by my watching films like “The Alamo” with John Wayne , “Zulu” and “Waterloo”.

40mm Mexican Grenadiers
3. Tell us more about Gringo40’s – Gringo40s mainly sell 28mm Figures now, though our 40mm brand is still very strong. Our 40mm ranges cover the Mexican-American War,the Alamo and Cowboys and a huge Franco Prussian War range is slowly coming together. Our 28mm ranges are growing rapidly with Napoleonics, Maximilian period, Mesoamerican with Aztecs/Mayans/Conquistadors; Spanish-American War, Mexican Revolution, Zombie hunters, the Rif War, and Literary Characters.
4. Why is 40mm an appealing scale for waragmers? 40mm is a superb scale for Wargaming as the ground space is the same as a 28mm figures………but looks even better, or simply put they are bigger and more visually appealing. I still love to see my 28mm en-mass and as they outsell 40mm figures by 10/1, guess where the production goes now?

28mm Mamelukes
5. Why did you chose to focus initially on 40mm figures for the Mexican American War? The Mexican-American War range was inspired by me watching “The Alamo” film of the sixties with my Dad on a Saturday afternoon , watching the waves of Colourful Mexican troops throwing themselves at the defenses. I had a one-off American Officer for the later 1846-48 War done just because I fancied having my own figure………..then another was commissioned..and that was it! A company was born!

28mm Figures from the Aztec range
6. What other periods and scales do you offer? Gringo40s……………or I guess I could be called Gringo40s/28s now produce an ever-expanding range of 28mm figures as mentioned above but our 40mm ranges will not be forgotten!

Robinson Crusoe and his faithful dog from the “Famous Literary Character” range.
7. What do you have planned for the future? Future ranges include the one I am working on at the moment which is “Garibaldi’s Wars of Freedom” 1835-70″ a huge range in the making with the Garibaldini almost done and the Neapolitan opponents of 1860 being sculpted as we speak. This range will the biggest I have doen to date as it also allows me to “backfill” my Maximilian range and add figures to my other 28mm ranges as well to arrive at a position where I have complete ranges.
8. What is the best way for customers to purchase your figures? Gringo40s figures can be purchased directly from our website
or contacting me
or gjmfigurines4@btinternet
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Thanks for sharing Ged! – Cory @ Cigar Box