Cigar Box Battle and Osprey Publishing are proud to announce the release of the scenario mats from John Hill’s recently released “Across A Deadly Field – The War in the East” scenario book. These are fantastic, historical mats, taken from the original artwork in the scenario book. We have made these mats available in a variety of scales so that they will appeal to many scale figures and sets of ACW rules. Here is what is now available:
1. The Battle of New Market –
Cigar Box Battle and Osprey Publishing are proud to bring another “Across A Deadly Field” scenario to your table-top – the Battle of New Market 1864,… will “Put the Boys in!”
This is the artwork from the “Across A Deadly Field – the War in the East” Osprey scenario book. The original artwork was designed by Dean West and Todd Davis for the scenario “Put the Boys In! – The Shenandoah Valley, May 1864”. This is the scenario mat for the classic battle between Gen. Franz Sigel and Gen. John Breckenridge with the VMI cadets.
We offer two versions of this scenario mat:
The small-scale 10mm-15mm version (#143) which plays on a 3ft x 4.5ft printed terrain mat, printed in the center of a 4×6 mat. This allows the battle to be fought at the correct ADF scale of 1 inch = 80 to 100 yards. The extra space around the edges provides a some extra space for dice, books and charts, markers, etc. This scale is perfect for 15mm ADF, or 6mm – 10mm figures for other regimental ACW rules sets.
The large-scale 25mm – 28mm version (#143B), plays well with 25mm figures using “Across A Deadly Field” at 1 inch = 60-80 yards. It would also work well for 15mm Johnny Reb, Regimental Fire and Fury, and many other regimental ACW rules. The 25mm mat comes printed on a full-sized mat (4×6 plus).
As with all of our licensed Opsrey Publishing mats, these ADF mats come printed with roads, buildings, streams, etc. All you have to do is add the figures (and hills if you like) and play!
SELECT EITHER 10-15MM VERSION (#143) or 25-28MM VERSION (#143b).

#143B – the 25mm version of the terrain mat. Great for games of 25mm Across a Deadly Field, or 15mm Johnny Reb and Regimental Fire and Fury. A full size 4×6 “plus” terrain mat.

Map #143 – the 15mm ADF mat. It would also work well for 6mm and 10mm figures. 3′ x 4.5′ printed scenario centered on a 4′ x 6′ mat.
2. The Battle of Piedmont –
The Battle of Piedmont, May 21, 1864. This is the scenario mat for the classic battle between Gen. “Black David” Hunter and Gen. William “Grumble” Jones.
We offer two versions of this scenario mat:
The small-scale 10mm-15mm version (#140) which plays on a 3ft x 4.5ft printed terrain mat, printed in the center of a 4×6 mat. This allows the battle to be fought at the correct ADF scale of 1 inch = 80 to 100 yards. The extra space around the edges provides a some extra space for dice, books and charts, markers, etc. This scale is perfect for 15mm ADF, or 6mm – 10mm figures for other regimental ACW rules sets.
The large-scale 25mm – 28mm version (#140B), plays well with 25mm figures using “Across A Deadly Field” at 1 inch = 60-80 yards. It would also work well for 15mm Johnny Reb, Regimental Fire and Fury, and many other regimental ACW rules. The 25mm mat comes printed on a full-sized mat (4×6 plus).
As with all of our licensed Opsrey Publishing mats, these ADF mats come printed with roads, buildings, streams, etc. All you have to do is add the figures (and hills if you like) and play!
SELECT EITHER 10-15MM VERSION (#140) or 25-28MM VERSION (#140B)

#140B – the 25mm version for ADF. It would also work well for 15mm Johnny Reb and Regimental Fire and Fury.

#140 – the ADF 10mm and 15mm version. A 3′ x 4.5′ scenario printed in the middle of a 4′ x 6′ “plus” terrain mat.
3. The Pipe Creek Campaign –
The “Across A Deadly Field – War in the East” scenario book includes an excellent mini-campaign based upon Gen. Meade’s “Pipe Creek Circular”. The document was sent to his Corps commanders and outlined in detail what may have been Gen. Meade’s preferred “Gettysburg” battle scheme – a defensive engagement along Pipe Creek. This mini-campaign explores that possibility.
This mat (#142) represents the “Pipe Creek Deployment Map” from page 102 of the “War in the East” scenario book. We suggest using this mat as a mini-campaign mat, where players can plot out their moves in inches or centimeters and then play out the battle on the full-scale 15mm Pipe Creek Campaign mats (West #141B & East #141).
We use this mat (#142) with a stand of figures representing a brigade with hidden movement, supply rules, weather, and a game master moderating the game. We then play out all the battles on the larger Pipe Creek mats.It might also work well for 2mm – 6mm figures to fight out the tactical engagements. The mat also works well for many other hypothetical campaigns and battles.
Mat #141 and #141B represent the East and Western sides of the Pipe Creek campaign mat and can be linked together to refight the campaign in its entirety.

Item #142 – the entire campaign mat printed on a 4×6 plus mat. Great for playing out the strategic movements of the mini-campaign! It would also work as a tactical battle field for 6mm figures.

The 15mm Pipe Creek campaign mats COMBO so that you can fight out the entire campaign! This contains both the West and East Pipe Creek mats at a discounted price!
We really think these mats are great addition to the ACW gaming hobby and that they will hours of gaming enjoyment to you and your wargaming friends.
For ordering information, please check out our webstore!
Good Gaming,
Cory @Cigar Box Battle
One response to “Just released – Across A Deadly Field – The War in the East scenario mats!”
I would like more information of weight etc for UK market.