Stephen Huckaby at ACW Gamer is introducing a fantastic line of new 28mm miniatures. These will be released as collectable vignettes, focusing on specific personalities and events throughout the war.
The first release consists of five dismounted figures and one mounted figure from the Battle of Shiloh. Here is what Stephen has to say:
“Our first release takes place on 6 April 1862 at the Battle of Shiloh. Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston has launched a surprise attack on the Union forces under Gen. Grant who were massing on the banks of the Tennessee River. In the early stages of the battle, Confederates had overrun some of the Union camps and many had begun to loot the abandoned tents. Johnston spotted a Confederate Officer with a arm full of the spoils of war and chastised him for his behavior. Observing how chastened the officer was, he picked up a tin cup and declared it to be his part of the spoils.
Later, Johnston would wave the tin cup as he encouraged his men to launch an assault against stubborn Federals holding a position that would become known as the “Hornet’s Nest”. Johnston’s men swept the position, but Johnston would receive a wound, which was not treated properly and caused him to bleed to death on the field. Historians still discuss if this loss cost the South the leader it would need to win the War in the West”.
These are 28mm metal miniatures that will fit in well with most other 28mm ranges. Once I order a set I’m planning on painting a nice “Johnston at Shiloh” command base, but of course these figures would work well for any generic officer and soldiers. I’m really looking forward to their future releases and it will be great to see some more unusual personalties and soldiers available for the ACW. I know Stephen has plans to release another “Western ACW” vignette in the near future! What would you like to see for future releases? (We will pass your feedback to Stephen). Stay tuned to his website for details and pricing!
For more information and to purchase, please follow this link to the ACW Gamer website: link
Good Gaming – Cory @Cigarboxbattle.com