
The detail of the game board and counters look fantastic! The counters feature pictures of ACW miniatures. Great idea!



An overview of the game board for Shiloh Dawn


Shlioh Dawn – a sneak peak of John Hill’s new American Civil War boardgame.

This is exciting news for ACW boardgamers and miniatures players alike! John Hill and Todd Davis have crafted a great looking game covering the battle of Shiloh that will work wonderfully as a stand alone boardgame, but could also be used with miniatures. It is set for publication next spring from Pacific Rim Publishing.

In Shiloh Dawn each hex represents approximately 200 yards and each counter represents one regiment. The counters are approximately one each by one-half inch and each regiment has its own roster card. I am planning to buy and play the game “as is”, but have considered gluing 2mm or 6mm figures to the counters for a more 3D look.

The game was set up at the Comsimworld show in Tempe, AZ this May. Thanks to Jack Beckman for taking the pictures.


The battle of Shiloh in progress at the Comsimworld expo. Look at the detail of this game! Thanks to Jack Beckman for all the pictures from the expo.



Another view of Shiloh Dawn. I hope to see more games in this series from John and Todd.