Cigar Box Battle Mats combine to make Massive gaming area
While looking at the Cigar Box Battle Mat designs, I hope you’ve noticed that the mats combine to make MASSIVE gaming areas. We recently posted on Facebook the image below…
While looking at the Cigar Box Battle Mat designs, I hope you’ve noticed that the mats combine to make MASSIVE gaming areas. We recently posted on Facebook the image below…
Hey Gamers! Now that Historicon is over, we’ve just been given the honor of being the first source for some very good additions to the ADF resource library. We…
Recently, I got together with a friend of mine and pulled out Warmaster (those of you not familiar with that rules system… It is a Games Workshop Specialist Games publication…
We now offer a line of our own 60 x 80 inch wargaming mats for sale! This is something that we had been using for our own games, but we…
28mm Union soldiers advance! All pictures taken by Stephen Huckaby. ACWGamer made a trip to HMGS’s Cold Wars 2014 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The event, held from March 6-9, is one of the biggest historical miniature…
Today, we have the luck to interview the head of ACWGamer Magazine Mr. Stephen M. Huckaby. His incredibly successful Ezine has been arriving in email boxes all over the world…
In this second post of Unsung Heroes of Gaming, CigarBoxBattle.com gets the great privilege of interviewing Mr. Howard Whitehouse, one of our favorite Game Designers. For over 30 years he’s written fun,…
In this first post of Unsung Heroes of Gaming, CigarBoxBattle.com gets the uncommon privilege of interviewing one of the greatest Game Designers of our time. Welcome Mr. Rick Preistley!…
If you are interested in creating your own Icelandic Saga, we recommend this affordable and fun rules set…
Hey Gamers! We have a treat in store for you. Cigar Box Battle has compiled interviews with some of the world’s most influential game designers. We want to bring some…
This is a fantastic, new e-magazine available for American Civil War wargamers. The inaugural issue has some fantastic articles in it such as: an early war scenario for Pohick Church, 1861,…
The recent announcement by Amazon confirmed that John Hill has been working with Osprey on a new set of hardbound deluxe ACW miniature rules entitled, “Across A Deadly Field” (ADF) that will enable gamers to recreate large battles while still using individual…