Now Available: Cigarboxbattle Wargaming Mats!
We now offer a line of our own 60 x 80 inch wargaming mats for sale! This is something that we had been using for our own games, but we…
We now offer a line of our own 60 x 80 inch wargaming mats for sale! This is something that we had been using for our own games, but we…
“What of Slocum wasn’t slow?” A scenario for July 1st, 1863 Northeast of Gettysburg. “The Corps could easily have joined in the battle the first day. The distance from our…
The recent announcement by Amazon confirmed that John Hill has been working with Osprey on a new set of hardbound deluxe ACW miniature rules entitled, “Across A Deadly Field” (ADF) that will enable gamers to recreate large battles while still using individual…
Civil War author and wargamer, Scott Mingus, has some fantastic scenario books and rules available for sale at wargamesvault.com. I can highly recommend any of Scott’s fantastic products! He also…
Over the next year, CigarBoxBattle.com is going to put together a “American Wild West” project. This could be the most fun I’ve ever had doing research for a wargaming project!…
My favorite version of John Hill’s ACW rules “Johnny Reb” is “Johnny Reb 2”. I originally started playing with JR1, which is a fine game, but switched over to JR2…
I’ve had some Irregular Miniatures 2mm ACW figures just sitting around in cigar boxes for a long time now. They get taken out from time to time for a DBA…
Cigar Box Battle: Buck, for those who don’t know you, could you tell us a little about yourself? Buck: I’ve been war gaming since about the seventh grade when I…
1. Howard, for those that don’t know you, can you please tell our readers a little bit about yourself? I’ve been a wargamer since I was twelve. It was 1970,…
This post covers (in general) a bunch of wonderful things we’ve seen at NASHCON 2013. We didn’t get an opportunity to cover everything that happened, but you may just see…
28mm War of the Roses Game at Nashcon This past weekend my good friend Titch W. and I ran our annual War of the Roses game at Nashcon. This…
I participated in a DBA tournament. I brought the Teutonic Orders. They are number IV/30 in the main army list in the back of the rulebook. Have a look! The…