Johnny Con – 2016
Johnny Con was held Memorial Day weekend in Franklin, TN in conjunction with Nashcon. The Rebbers lead the charge this year with gaming on Thursday and Friday morning (Nashcon doesn’t…
Johnny Con was held Memorial Day weekend in Franklin, TN in conjunction with Nashcon. The Rebbers lead the charge this year with gaming on Thursday and Friday morning (Nashcon doesn’t…
“Put the boys in!” Today we are featuring one of our newest terrain mats, the classic American Civil War battle of New Market. This mat was designed for the “Across…
Hey Gamers! Now that Historicon is over, we’ve just been given the honor of being the first source for some very good additions to the ADF resource library. We…
Here it is gamers! Here is a list of links to the top 10 posts visited by gamers this year on Cigarboxbattle.com. When we look at all of our…
28mm Union soldiers advance! All pictures taken by Stephen Huckaby. ACWGamer made a trip to HMGS’s Cold Wars 2014 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The event, held from March 6-9, is one of the biggest historical miniature…
I have to be clear, I’m a huge “Johnny Reb” fan. This will be a biased article! Actually I’ve been a “Civil War buff”, for as long as I can remember. The…
This is a fantastic, new e-magazine available for American Civil War wargamers. The inaugural issue has some fantastic articles in it such as: an early war scenario for Pohick Church, 1861,…
The recent announcement by Amazon confirmed that John Hill has been working with Osprey on a new set of hardbound deluxe ACW miniature rules entitled, “Across A Deadly Field” (ADF) that will enable gamers to recreate large battles while still using individual…
Civil War author and wargamer, Scott Mingus, has some fantastic scenario books and rules available for sale at wargamesvault.com. I can highly recommend any of Scott’s fantastic products! He also…
I’m a self-proclaimed decent figure painter and scenery maker, but I don’t have any architectural skills for making model buildings! Chris and I have talked about doing a “Dead Man’s…
I’ve had some Irregular Miniatures 2mm ACW figures just sitting around in cigar boxes for a long time now. They get taken out from time to time for a DBA…
This post covers (in general) a bunch of wonderful things we’ve seen at NASHCON 2013. We didn’t get an opportunity to cover everything that happened, but you may just see…