Cigar Box Battle Mats combine to make Massive gaming area
While looking at the Cigar Box Battle Mat designs, I hope you’ve noticed that the mats combine to make MASSIVE gaming areas. We recently posted on Facebook the image below…
While looking at the Cigar Box Battle Mat designs, I hope you’ve noticed that the mats combine to make MASSIVE gaming areas. We recently posted on Facebook the image below…
Tiny Epic RPG is a cool, deck driven, RPG that we bumped into at Nashcon this year. Here is an interview with the developer, Todd Lyles. 1. Tell us…
Here it is gamers! Here is a list of links to the top 10 posts visited by gamers this year on Cigarboxbattle.com. When we look at all of our…
The Ultimate Gamer’s Link Guide is Now Available! That’s right, it’s here! Click on the photo above, or link to it here WHAT IS IT? You might ask yourself “What…
In this second post of Unsung Heroes of Gaming, CigarBoxBattle.com gets the great privilege of interviewing Mr. Howard Whitehouse, one of our favorite Game Designers. For over 30 years he’s written fun,…
Hey Gamers! We have a treat in store for you. Cigar Box Battle has compiled interviews with some of the world’s most influential game designers. We want to bring some…
This is a total shout-out to Kenzer and Company. I want to thank them for years of incredibly witty entertainment. If you’ve never read an issue of Knights of the…
While I was at my local Used Book Store, I came across part of my childhood and couldn’t resist buying it back! The Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition Players…