The Best Battle of Five Armies I’ve seen for HOTT
I recently sat on the sidelines and watched a four man game of HOTT (Hordes of the Things by WRG). The scenario was the Battle of Five Armies from the…
I recently sat on the sidelines and watched a four man game of HOTT (Hordes of the Things by WRG). The scenario was the Battle of Five Armies from the…
I was at my FLGS (friendly local gaming store) recently and saw this range. I had been familiar with the Reaper Bones kickstarter, but really wasn’t familiar at all with…
I was visiting a local games store and spotted this incredible Ork conversion. It is an Ork Stompa that has been built on top of the “chassis” of another Ork…
This was a 15mm ACW (Johnny Reb) scenario run by Dean West at Johnny Con 4.5 (at Bayou Wars) in New Orleans this summer. Dean is a master at designing…
Civil War author and wargamer, Scott Mingus, has some fantastic scenario books and rules available for sale at wargamesvault.com. I can highly recommend any of Scott’s fantastic products! He also…
Over the next year, CigarBoxBattle.com is going to put together a “American Wild West” project. This could be the most fun I’ve ever had doing research for a wargaming project!…
By John R. “Buck” Surdu Introduction: How do you run a “wargame” with only a little bit of war? I’m a fan of the Dr. Who series, particularly the Jon…
I’m a self-proclaimed decent figure painter and scenery maker, but I don’t have any architectural skills for making model buildings! Chris and I have talked about doing a “Dead Man’s…
I’ve had some Irregular Miniatures 2mm ACW figures just sitting around in cigar boxes for a long time now. They get taken out from time to time for a DBA…
Cigar Box Battle: Buck, for those who don’t know you, could you tell us a little about yourself? Buck: I’ve been war gaming since about the seventh grade when I…
Holy moly, here we go folks! This was an incredible set of armies that I ran across this year at NASHCON. There was an entry in this year’s convention program…
Well, Cory and I finally found some time to do some vintage Warhammer 40k using the Battle At The Farm from the original Rogue Trader book from Games Workshop (kind…