I participated in a DBA tournament. I brought the Teutonic Orders. They are number IV/30 in the main army list in the back of the rulebook.  Have a look!


The Army list was as follows:

Grand Master (Knight General) x1

Teutonic Knights x3

Calvary x1

Light Horse x2

Crossbows x2

Spear x1

Auxilia x1

Psiloi x1

Here is the complete Army:

Here is the Grand Master:

Here are the knights:

Here is the Calvary:

Here is the Light Horse:

Here are the Spears:

Here are the Crossbows:

Here is the Auxilia:

Here is the Psiloi:

Here is the Teutonic Camp:

These guys were great fun to paint! I played horribly with them in a tournament. I really need to give them more time to learn the tricks for using them. I went 0-3. Shew, I stunk! Everybody seemed to have great fun in the tournament though. I hope you’ve enjoyed the pictures. Let me know what you think in the Comments section below. Have a good one!