This is one of our newest, wave 2, mats! The mat represents the terrain of the historical battle of Nashville in 1864 during the first day’s fighting on the Confederate left flank. The mat is designed with 1.5 inch roads so it works best with 10mm – 20mm figures for grand tactical games. Many gamers are also using the mat for 28mm skirmish games, where the “roads” scale down to become “trails”. This mat would work great for many periods including: ancients, French and Indian war, AWI, 1812, ACW, and WW2. It has a ton of gaming potential and would make a great mat to have in your collection!

Here are some pictures from our friends at Campaign Books and Game Logistics –

The British line gives the Indians a volley! This pic really showcases the all the great elements of this mat: the stream, trails, woods, etc.

An overhead view of Gav’s FIW game. It really shows the flexibility of this mat and how it can be used for 15mm to 28mm.

Nashville has now been transformed into a scenario from WW2! What a fantastic looking 15mm Flames of War game!

The original Nashville test mat in the CBB studio (Cory’s game room!). This terrain is set up to be the actual ACW battle of Nashville 1864 in 15mm!
So what will you play on your Nashville mat? We love to hear from our customers and see what they have done with the mats! Please send pics and videos to: We would love to share your pics and vids on Facebook and Twitter!
Here is a link to our webstore for more information – store
Here is a link to our youtube channel with a short video showing this mat in action! Video
Here is link to Campaign Games webpage – link Check it out! If you are in Australia or New Zealand, they are also importing our mats so get in touch with them! Also, like their Facebook page and look for the amazing video done by Gavin Costello featuring the Nashville mat (October 18th, 2014).
Good gaming – Cory and Chris at CBB